About Us

PAUL Agricultural, Historical Research & Social Trust

PAUL Trust uplifts farmers and marginalized communities in Bengaluru, fostering enduring change and resilience.

PAUL Agricultural, Historical Research & Social Trust, established under the Trust Act 1882 is a beacon of community support in Bengaluru. Located in Nagarabhavi, our trust is dedicated to empowering the underprivileged, especially farmers and marginalized communities. Through our diverse initiatives, spanning health, education, and heritage preservation, we aim to foster positive change and create a brighter future for all.

With a passionate team and a commitment to grassroots solutions, PAUL Agricultural, Historical Research & Social Trust has become a cornerstone of support in the local community. Our comprehensive approach not only addresses immediate needs but also strives for long-term impact. By fostering partnerships and embracing innovation, we continuously adapt to the evolving challenges faced by the community. Together, we are building a more resilient and inclusive society, where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

PAUL Trust helps farmers and communities for a better future
PAUL Trust provides help and support to the community
Sustainability means doing things that last and don't harm the environment.

PAUL Trust prioritizes creating eco-friendly products from scratch


Shivaswamy H P

    •   Increased public awareness on water conservation and rain water harvesting techniques
    •    Sustainable agricultural intervention through community ownership and management
    •   Improved food security for vulnerable groups Programs for children, youths & women’s welfare Organize training for promotion of organic farming, vermin-culture, watershed development, tank development, water conservation, kitchen gardening, agro forestry and improved irrigation systems.  
    • Livelihood economic enhancement programs through promotion of micro finance Child development through sponsorship services Promote the value of sustainable development, environment friendly living conditions to mobilize people for observing fundamental duties including preservation of natural resources and safe environment.  
    • Micro credit and micro enterprises development for the benefit of marginal farmers & women’s.  
    • Provision of safe drinking water and sanitary facilities  
    • Enhancing employment opportunities through promotion of area development Programs
    •  Resource and nodal centres for youths, women’s & farmers empowerment Programs  
    • Rehabilitation programs for persons with differently-abled and destitute  
    • Counselling centres for women in destitute and the deserted  
    • Crèches for the benefit of U6 working mother children  
    • Homes and day care centres for aged and the neglected 
    • Education guarantee scheme for the drop-outs U6-14 children 
    • Programs for agriculture and community development 
    • Modern farm science centre to promote lab to land programs 
    • Integrated watershed development programs  
    • Massive awareness program on frontline issues  
    • Rural mobile health services through health on wheels  
    • Organization of CB, workshops, orientations and training for CBOs

Trust believes that development of the poor without refining their circumstance is
neither conceivable nor sustainable however development can be self sustaining
only, if it brings about a change in the entire socio-economic matrix governing their
lives in order to reach the poor stage of social consciousness and empowerment.

It considers the following four interventions.

  • Human resource development
  •  Attitudinal changes
  • Economic development
  • Self management

TRUST has been perusing its paradigm of development for the underprivileged
backward region of Karnataka. PAHRST has been successfully implementing various
programs for the well-being of needy in Bangalore & Ramnagar districts. As already
mentioned elsewhere among its multifarious activities for children, youths, women’s &
marginal farmers are viewed as key agents of change for socio-economic development
and are considered as very valuable human resource that could be nurtured and
developed with multiple interventions apart from programs for education and skill

TRUST has been promoting a chain of women centred savings and
credit groups, youth clubs & farmers groups and the second major concern of the org. is
sustainable integrated rural & urban development programs such as CB for CBOs,
networking, advocacy, linkages and initiate community infrastructure etc.,

Team Members

Meet Our Farmers


Empowering Vulnerable Women and Girls

To carry out every activity for the development of women improving their social and economical and to prevent and redress their deprivation and discrimination on any account whatsoever and in particulars to work for the welfare of women prisoners, under trails sex workers, child labourer's, delinquent, destitute, abandoned and marginalized women and girls mentally retarded and physically challenged/disabled and to take steps for the prevention of cruelty to violence against women in any manner and remedy, restore and rehabilitees and empower such vulnerable persons and to provide them resources and assistance for their health care, education and economies uplifts.

 To establish printing press and to carry on the printing and publication activities to promote the objectives of
the trust.
 To promote activities and impart training to people for development of generally every kind of skill relevant to
generating incomes as to upgrade their economic conditions particularly the neglected sections of the society
with emphasis on development of women and their dependents improving their strata economically, socially
and domestically and to build, organize, train, promote, savings and thrift and fund in any manner under any
scheme by forming people in to self help groups/guilds as may deemed fit.

Inclusive Development Initiatives

 To establish village, cottage and small scale industries with a view to creating employment for the poor

 To conduct graded examination in the Indian or foreign languages award degrees and certificates to carry out any activities the benefits of which shall be open to all irrespective of caste, creed or religion, as may be decided from time to time by the trustees including any business incidental to the attainment of the objectives ofeparate books of accounts maintained by the trust.

 To start adult education centre and also child development blocks.

 To grant aid or render assistance to other public charitable trusts or institutions.



+91 91418 73216
10th Block , Outer Ring Road , Nagarabhavi ,Bengaluru North– 560072, Karnataka.

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