Shivaswamy HP

Hi, I'm Shivaswamy H P

Shivaswamy HP is a dedicated person whose background emerges from one of the small towns of Mandya i.e., Mr. Personal Profile 10 11 12 Type here to search Shivaswamy was born in Neelakantanahalli village, Maddur taluk mandya district. His parents' i.e., father Late. Puttaswamy S a farmer and mother Puttathayamma's hard work fine-tuned the precious mind of this kid. Every day's valuable lessons from his mother and life lessons from his father encouraged Shivaswamy to work for the society instead of working to just earn some wealth for his living alone.

Initial curriculum and educational activities started in this small town where he absorbed the values of life moto and society ethics under the proper guidance of his teachers.


This base was so strong that his growth towards adolescence directed him towards societal betterment ideas and schemes that raised new thoughts of development in his young mind. Shivaswamy finished is Secondary education in Akkur Hosahalli School, Chanpatna Taluk, Ramanagra Dist. By this time Shivaswamy had his views fixed on what to be pursued in his coming times so that it is directly beneficial to the people living around him.


Shivaswamy made his way into Diploma in the forthcoming years i.e.. 1992/1993 to make his higher education. This decision was followed by opting the course of DAIRYING in K M Doddi Bharathi college, Mandya. He secured immense knowledge in his field of study and excelled his diploma.


Social Life journey

These baby steps of enlightening knowledge, Values gulped down from his superior guiders and his personal urge to do something to the society showcased a bright light onto social work. This focused as a limelight to his revolutionary mind and pulled his inner thoughts and effective ideas and pitched it right at this society.


Shivaswamy in his initial days indulged with his elders and community heads, to learn and observe the people and their way of life. He then started to cumulate these aspects into a stream of thoughts which were followed alongside by his excellent thought process to develop immense ideas and strategies to upscale their life. What started as a local development, then accelerated into state and national level social welfare works. Shivaswamy then, moved his life towards building national and international grade organisations which not only created new era of employment opportunities but also made way for Shivaswamy to direct his funds towards betterment of his Type here to search 05 employees and the society he worked for.

The organisations which he created were never like ‘BOSS led’ or boasted of ‘BOSS-ISM’, rather they created a whole ‘Family like environment’ to even the base level employees. People not only earned their Bread here, but also gained excessive knowledge and love for social work. Shivaswamy always had a liking for his employees even the base level ones, he strived hard to keep them employed along with the desire to upscale their lives and indulge in their pain too. All stages of employees were looked with same respect and concern.

Since Mr. Shivaswamy was concerned about the wellbeing of his people and the people surrounding him, he gave various opportunities to them to settle down in their lives which helped them to earn their bread and butter without depending upon any person or govt body in. lending freebies to them. He helped many young women and college girls to get trained in garments and textile works. Many men who discontinued their education in their childhood due to various burdens of the family sought help from Mr. Shivaswamy to get into the employment world, that too not for free or not under any influence, but thru sheer training and knowledge of what he offered to them. He trained various students under the guidance of various industrial experts and helped them to secure job in various organisations. As Said earlier this man’s words never fail.

The saying ‘JANA SEVEYE JANARDANA SEVE’ i.e. ‘People’s service is God’s service’ was clearly understood and involved in Mr. Shivaswamy’s life. He built a trust out of real-world knowledge which he gained from his everyday struggles and interactions with the society. The Trust was named as ‘Paul Agricultural Research and Social Trust’. This trust was developed keeping the struggles of the backbone of this country, ‘THE FARMER’. The issues dealt with this trust were not only directed towards the betterment of the farmers but were also helpful to the society that a common man is surrounded. The sole goal of this trust is to ‘Reduce hunger and poverty for millions of poor farming families. This program was not only confined to his region or to the region of Indian subcontinent only, but was spread across sub-Saharan Africa and south Asia region. He never refrained himself from doing social works.

He never limited himself to only a particular kind of help, but he extended his social service moto towards the education of backward society students and the students from poor family. The land which is known for great minds like Gandhi, Swami Vivekananda and Sri Adi Shankaracharya is also the land that produced great souls like Mr. Shivaswamy. The service mind of Shivaswamy never stopped to this stage He is still into the social service and with the rise of sun in every morning, there is a new idea in that rises in the min of Mr. Shivaswamy that in turn helps the society.



+91 91418 73216
10th Block , Outer Ring Road , Nagarabhavi ,Bengaluru North– 560072, Karnataka.

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